Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ok so what is this blog??

We both read food books, eat at restaurants, cook from home, grow food, love food, write about it, forage for it, fish for it, study it, preach about it, stalk it out in stores near and far, and appreciate the hell out of it.

We were roommates in school, we live in different cities now but can both almost hold our breaths on the turnpike long enough to be in one place or the other at a whim.

Chelsea Market, Union Square greenmarket, Batali, Cheng, Bourdain, Boulud, Hunts Point, Fairway, Chinatown, Arthur Avenue, tapas, thai food, wine bars, milk bars, food trucks, cheap eats - New York is bursting with food.

A quick trip down south and you enter a city of sandwiches. There are cheese steak wars and street corner hoagie shops. A roast pork with broccoli rabe or a roast beef with provolone. A heart clogging Schmitter or even a tofu Banh Mi to please the sports loving soul. It's a city of neighborhoods that boasts a diverse cuisine on the cheap. From Jewish rye and German butter cake to vegan cheese cake and Rowhouse Red, Philly is certainly eating, and drinking too.

We have side projects, and we have other interests, but now it's pure delight to join forces to bring you the best of a hundred miles worth of culinary goodness, food fit for all your Sixth Borough food needs.

It's in New York, it's in Philadelphia, and it's on your fork.

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